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The Goggin Name

The origin and history of the Goggin Surname


Historic Goggin Ancestors

From their roots in Ireland, by 1841 the Goggin name was then mainly found in London (Middlesex/Surrey) with families also in Cornwall and Yorkshire.

Many of the Goggin ancestors from London were Watermen and Lightermen, which is a trade that was often passed down the generations. 

Copies of the lighterman and waterman certificates of Charles Goggin can be found on the page Goggin family Lightermen.

The life and times of Thomas Goggin, another lighterman with a tragic story, can be found at: Thomas Goggin

Crimes and black sheep

Details of crimes involving the name Goggin is at Crimes and Black Sheep

The Goggin Name in Famous Trees - Mark Twain

Ancestry of Mark Twain:  Samuel Langhorne Clemens adopted the pseudonym Mark Twain after he spent two years as a steamboat pilot ("mark twain" being the term that means that the river is the minimum depth for safe navigation), and used the name when he joined a Nevada newspaper.

His Grandmother, on his father's side, was a Pamela Goggin (1775-1844).  Her father was a Stephen Goggin (1752-1802), and, in turn, his father was also a Stephen Goggin (b. 1726).  Pamela married Samuel Clemens on 29 October 1797 in Virginia, having a son John Marshall Clemens (1798-1847) - Mark Twain's father.

When Mark Twain's paternal grandfather's family came to America from England is unclear, though probably no later than the mid-eighteenth century.  This Goggin family, whose ancestors were tradespeople in England in the sixteenth century, came to Virginia in the seventeenth century and married into a Quaker family, the Moormans. In 1773, the daughter of Charles Moorman, Rachel Moorman, Twain's great-grandmother, married a non-Quaker, Stephen Goggin, whose father, an Anglican, had emigrated from Queen's County, Ireland. Their daughter, Pamela Goggin, born in 1775, married Samuel B. Clemens in Bedford County in 1797. Of their five children, John Marshall Clemens was the first.

Charles and Eliza

Family Trees and People

Goggin family trees and stories

A book on the life of Charles James Goggin (1864 - 1927) including certificates and census images can be accessed from the following picture link:

Charles Goggin Book